Extreme Programming Projects
If your project is extreme, list it here. Make a page to tell us a little about it, if you haven't already, and maybe list a contact.
Please note: This section is for specific projects using ExtremeProgramming. If you have a user group, please list it under CategoryXpUsersGroup.
Put your project here (please use alphabetical order):
- XpCapeTown -- reports on a couple of small efforts
- TheRomoProject -- National wide project for licensing commercial enterprises in Angola
North America
Not yet categorized
The sole intent of the geographical categorization was for XpFolk? to more easily discover if there is a bunch of LikeMindedFolk? near them -- DavidSaff
Some of the companies are also multiple sites so it's not clear which location is running XP. Geographic, then alphabetical makes sense.
If a company consists of multiple geographic XP sites, the company can appear more than once in this page.
This was our first experiment with ExtremeProgramming and it went quite well. We found that there was a bit of a learning curve, but once the team got into the swing of things and built up a relatively stable code base, it went smoothly. -- StephenPetschulat (Vancouver, Canada)
Take the XpProjectSurvey!
(Inquiring minds want to know. ;-)
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